تسعى الجمعيــة الى أن تكــون الرائــدة ضمــن الجمعيــات المناطقية الصناعية في الأردن وأن تصبح منطقة
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Al Samah
Since its foundation, Alsamah Hosiery Company has been following a path of rapid and well-thought de
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Al Sanabel Converting Industries Company is a leading company in the Middle East in manufacturing of
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Ghada accessories include a variety of carefully chosen items to enhance your look. Find the perfect
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Jordan Aviation is a modern, growing and progressive Airline with 700 staff members, the Sister Comp
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Manage and send short and accurate messages to customers, partners, or employees, SMS text messaging
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صوت الغد هي مؤسسة إعلامية مستقلة، تديرها شركة الأردن الدولية للبث الإذاعي. نشأت في لبنان، وتأسست في
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Ranibow Fashion is online store
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Are you hungry? Here is our menu for you!We prepared various menu for your taste!Well... Is this not
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What is NairoukhClick?We care.. We Developed our Services..As Nairoukh Pharma care about you and ins
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